ISO 9001-2015

ISO 9001 (abbreviation of ISO 9001:2015 - the latest version of ISO 9001) is a standard on Quality Management Systems developed by the International Organization for Standardization and issued on September 24, 2015. The full name of this standard is ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems - Requirements. ISO 9001 provides requirements used as a framework for a Quality Management System. This standard is also used for certification assessment of conformity to an organization's Quality Management System.

ISO 14001 – 2015

ISO 14001 is an international standard on Environmental Management Systems issued by the International Organization for Standardization ISO, accepted and valuable globally. 

ISO 14001 is designed to create a management system that helps organizations reduce their negative impacts on the environment. It provides a framework for organizations to demonstrate their commitment to environmental issues:

  • Reduce harmful effects on the environment
  • Provide evidence of continual improvement in environmental management.